Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Angelica gigas

The big black Korean Angelica is a sinister curiosity. Usually you see a lone specimen towering among extreme annuals, the way castor beans were once grown.
Yesterday at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden I saw a whole colony of it. Under the shade of a big Pin Oak, its dark umbels were silhouetted against a sunlit hill of grass. Stunning and unexpected, it was the uniting element in a garden composition. Hats off to the gardeners who planted this.
I was surprise was how well these were doing under the oak, which casts almost full shade and must have competed with the angelica for water.
This plant is a biennial that I gather is a little tricky, as cultural instructions vary from source to source. I believe those at BBG have self-sown, as outlying plants were strewn around from the main clump.

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